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Are you ready to lead your life with courage?

coaching lead your life positive personal change self improvement supporting mums take the leap Apr 26, 2022
The Leap To Lead
Are you ready to lead your life with courage?

Over the past couple of weeks we have been exploring the signals that it’s time to take a leap, understanding that life has a way of showing us the path we need to take. We also discovered the steps to take if you’re unsure what your leap is, learning that when you’re clear about your strengths and your passions, the path will be clearly laid out in front of you. And last week we looked at being ready to take the leap, clarifying your goal and putting a plan in place.

This week we turn our attention to perhaps the toughest part of the journey, leading your life where you want to be. While it will be tough, you also need to know that it is POSSIBLE. You can lead your life where you want to be, the key will be having courage and determination.

Courage is what you need to transform your fears into determination. Now is your opportunity to embrace your life fully, without holding back. Our fears are what prevent us from doing a lot of things in our lives. How many times have you thought about trying something new, but very quickly life gets in the way and you talk yourself out of it? Too often I bet! Fear. Fear of not succeeding. Fear of failure. Fear of what other people might think. Fear of letting ourselves down. Fear. 

So as you take your leap and start to lead your life, even when you feel like you’re taking a big risk, know in your heart and soul that you’re on the right path. You are making yourself your most important project, and that’s worth it! You are doing what most others never even start. You’re taking back control of your life. When you are feeling tempted to give up, your courage will support you to take the next step. When you’re tempted to walk away from your leap, focus on what the next right thing is. Your courage and determination will support you to face your fears and challenges with confidence.

Have confidence in yourself, you have your leap clear in your mind and you know what your goal is. You have started to create your action plan, getting clarity on the little steps you need to take. Write each of these down, get clear on how you will achieve each step. Consider what support or resources you might need for each step. Are there areas where you might need to ask for help? Planning for all of these factors will make a huge difference.

Importantly when you’re considering your action plan, put it in your diary. Plan your week and your month. Ensure that you use your time wisely. By turning your action plan into a simple “to do” list, you can then start to prioritise your list. Review your plan against your diary and allocate specific time for yourself to focus on you and your list. Use deadlines to keep yourself to your plan and allow time for distractions - you’re still a busy mum and there will still be other demands. 

When thinking about using your time wisely, think about not just the hours in the day, but your energy levels. We all have different periods of the day when we have higher levels of energy and ability to focus. Identify when you’re at your best energy levels, for me it’s in the mornings after my walk. Use these periods of high energy and focus to do your toughest tasks. Keep the lesser demanding tasks like emails for later in the day when you’re lower in energy.

Reflect on your plan and ensure that it is realistic, the worst thing you could do for yourself now is overcommit and try to work to a plan that is not realistic. Know the challenges you’re going to face, a sick child for example, and have a plan for how you will deal with that when it happens. Being realistic and not overcommitting will ensure that you start to make positive headway towards your leap. As you do, you will gain momentum which will in itself continue to move you forward.

Sticking to your plan is hard, you will face all manner of challenges both physical demands and mental blocks. Imposter syndrome will surface. Feelings of guilt and doubt will continue to pop up. Your confidence will dip every now and then. Know that it will happen, that it is a normal part of the journey. Have courage to overcome these mental blocks when they arise and turn it into determination.

I understand how challenging taking a leap can be, but I also know that I wouldn’t be here now serving you if I didn’t have the courage to overcome my fears. I often laugh when asked “how do you do it” and my response is always “sheer determination!” 

Life is never a linear line, you can’t decide to do something and see exactly how it will play out. It’s never that simple. But it is POSSIBLE! There are always curve balls, I have had some big ones in the past few months such as dad dying at the end of last year, or my youngest getting COVID the week I launched. But I have relied on my courage to overcome these challenges, and it is my determination that has me here showing up for you today. 

Why? Because serving women is my passion. Because I want to support you to lead your life where you want to be. Because changing your life is hard, and you deserve the right support to make that happen. If you want the support and inspiration you need to lead your life where you want to be, let’s talk about what that support could look like for you.


If you’re ready to take the lead in your life, I invite you to a FREE special event - The Mums Leap To Lead Audio Summit, 3 May 2022


  • An audio experience focused on taking the leap and leading your life where you want to be
  • Hear from experts in different fields
  • Get your earbuds and walk, work or simply enjoy!


Claim your free ticket now, take the leap and lead your life where you want to be! 


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