Finding My Mojo
Sep 15, 2020
I don’t know about you, but this year has been very topsy turvy for my energy levels. One minute life is cruisey, next thing we’re in lock down. Then life got back to a relative normal, and whack we’re in lock down again.
Each country/city/state is taking a different approach, so we are all experiencing this in our own way, but have you thought about the impact on your energy levels?
The girls have been back at school post Lock Down 2.0 for 2 weeks, and they are so happy. They are thriving again. Loving the connections. Loving the interactions. Loving all the special projects… Madam S year group hatched their own batch of chickens! We even had webcam feeds so we could check on them at night time!?!
Hubby is getting the hotel up and running again, people are coming back for meals, and the staycationers are on the increase.
But I’m finding I’m flat out running the home again. I’m struggling to do anything for me. I barely have time to chat with friends. What the heck?
So today I stopped, I said to myself “this is ridiculous, you are not this person, do something about it!”
I started with a cuppa tea in the sunshine and my diary. I wrote down each day in time chunks, what I wanted to focus on and what would be the outcome from that chunk of time. This included everything from booking my mammogram to when I would clean the house. From allocating some time for creative projects, to when I had calls with clients. I felt like I had it nutted out, that I had something I could manage.
But I had to stop myself again, I hadn’t built in my diary my chunks of time for exercise. So the eraser came out, yep you got it, I’m a paper and pencil diary girl. I had to rebuild each day to include my morning walk. I’m also wanting to do more strength building, so I had to think about what that would look like and when I would do it.
After an hour or so, I stopped and looked at my diary, I had created time for me, time for my family and time for my business. I started to feel good again.
And then it dawned on me, the girls are on holidays again in 2 weeks! This is great for now, but what will happen then? So I looked at what I had created, and I called this LAU (life as usual) and then I started another plan for the school holidays.
I have spent nearly the whole morning focused on my and my time, and just organising my thinking has made me feel more positive and in control. I think I am starting to get my mojo back. I have created a LAU and a KAH (kids at home), and ok so I may have to slide occasionally and let’s face it there’s always curve balls that I will have to accommodate. But with the clarity, I feel better. I feel like I am ready and now raring to go!
What’s happened to your energy lately? Have you noticed any impact on your own mojo? If so, how do you get your mojo back?