How To Instantly Improve Your Expat Life
Mar 09, 2021
Let’s face it, life as an expat mum comes with a uniqueness that many of us take time to understand and adjust to.
From the stereotypes we are subjected to, to the sense of loss we experience as we have to reinvent ourselves time and time again.
How many times have you been talked over, or worse still completely ignored? In a conversation, your hubby’s view is the only one sought because as a woman you have nothing to add, nothing to contribute.
I’ll always remember landing in Mumbai and our first discussion with the HR Manager - not only did he refuse to acknowledge me, when I did ask a question I was referred to as “she” and the answer provided to hubby. Totally ignoring me. I was gobsmacked. I’d never experienced anything like it before. But as we spent more time in India, I learned that the cultures vary between cities and for some sectors of society the woman has no role other than maintaining the home.
It’s hard to adjust when some of the differences you experience challenge your own values. Never mind that you had a successful career before you decided to move abroad. Perhaps you were well regarded in that industry too.
It’s tough, and for many of us it’s a massive blow to our self esteem. To our overall confidence. To our identity. Because we give up so much and are met with such indifference, we can be left feeling very alone, very sad and this can spiral, very quickly into something much worse.
So we busy ourselves with life. Looking after our family. Being there for their needs and wants. Creating a fantastic home environment.
We busy ourselves volunteering - within the school, with NGO’s and with expat groups.
We build a social life. We make plans to get ourselves out of the “house”. We do coffee, we do galleries, we do shops, we join social groups and we do classes.
But… At the end of the day, as we fall into bed, there is an overwhelming sense of emptiness.
So we go to sleep and our dreams are filled with a better tomorrow. A different life for ourselves. If only you could make it a reality. If you could touch that dream, you would instantly improve your expat life.
But how?
Well my friend, if you’ve been reading this and you can relate to any of it, then you need to take action. Sooner, rather than later. Because it’s a slippery slope.
I’ve been there. I’ve done the volunteering. I’ve had the busy life. But I still couldn’t shake that empty feeling.
And then I discovered my coach, Amel. I tell her all the time, “you’ve changed my life!” I don’t think she’s tired of hearing it, because I do know she’s my #1 supporter!
Which is why I want to do the same for you. I want to be there for you. To support you. To help you see how you can live your life a different way. To help you take that leap. I have 5 coaching spots open right now, and I want your name on one of them.
I’ve been where you are. I get what you’re experiencing and I’ve done the work to change it for myself. But more importantly I’ve got over 20 years of HR & coaching experience, and I’ve got amazing results for my clients. My clients often refer to it as the “Emily Effect”!
“Emily Rogers has been coaching me for the past couple of years. Having moved back to Taiwan as an expat, I have been making use of Expat Parenting Abroad.
I was initially involved in the group support which was instrumental in forming important relationships in my life, and a great way to short track the settling process. Since then I have worked with Emily regarding some specific issues on a one on one coaching basis, both personal and professional.
Emily has been fantastic at helping me and finding solutions to the issues I have been tackling. She has a really good way of getting to the core of any issue, and she is equipped to support you to ensure the problem is manageable. Knowing you have someone to work with, is so important.
I can’t recommend Emily’s support enough, whether personal or professional.”
- Helen Murphy
You want to show up differently, not only for yourself but for your family. You want to be that positive, self fulfilled woman again. You want to be that role model for your kids. And I want to help you get there. If you want to change your life, I want to be your coach.
You want to instantly improve your life - working with me is the answer you’ve been searching for.
What you get when you start working with me:
- 6 private 45 minute coaching sessions
- Connecting weekly on Zoom
- 6 sets of coaching notes at the end of each session
- A bonus introductory session
- Access to me via What’sApp whenever you need it
This has a total value $1,200, but I am making it available to you now for just $997. Click here to work with me. Monthly payment plans are available, for more details click here.
But don’t take my word for it… this is from a client I finished working with in January 2021.
“If you are wanting to achieve a goal but are unsure how to get there Emily has the insight, skills and professionalism to help you. She manages to break down the goal into bite sized chunks from the beginning to the end goal in sight. At all times, Emily is wise, helpful and very easy to talk to. She has the ability to clear away the clutter occupying your mind and make you see things more clearly. I highly recommend Emily, she has a real gift for helping people and always offers advice with compassion and kindness.”
You don’t have to do this alone. You don’t have to try and figure out where to start. You don’t have to waste your time and energy searching for the right answer.
Click here now if you want to work with me, doors close 26 March 2021. Or get more details on the monthly payment plan here.