I'm celebrating... 4 Years in business!
Nov 01, 2022
This last week has been a huge milestone for me, I celebrated 4 years in business!
I can’t believe it’s been 4 years, so much has happened! From the simple stuff like moving to New Zealand, to the more complex stuff like losing dad to cancer. From the simple stuff like both girls finishing primary school (well in a few weeks), to the more complex stuff like relaunching my business.
It has been a total roller coaster ride, there is no doubt about it. I have struggled in some of the more difficult moments, but I have continued to move forward and literally take the next right step.
4 years!
In recognition of the past 4 years I thought today I would share 4 things I have learned since starting my business.
Firstly, I am capable and I can!
You may look at me and think that I have got it, that secret thing that you wish you had. But as one absolutely gorgeous client said recently, “I have watched you for years and I put you on a pedestal, but you’re just a real person like me!”
And she’s so right! I am not super special, and I don’t have magic powers. In fact I struggle with the same mindset stuff that all women do. But I haven’t ended up here by accident either, I choose everyday how I will behave and what I will do. It’s not always easy, but it’s about making the conscious decision each day, what is the next right thing and doing that. Sometimes it’s small, sometimes it’s big and creative, and sometimes I am fortunate to see the impact I can have on others.
What I have learned over the past 4 years is that I am capable and I can do it. And I am so grateful for that self knowledge and self belief, it has got me through some really tough moments.
The second thing, there are people who want and are willing to support me.
Starting my own business was a decision I made. When I learned about the Business Idea Accelerator program (click here) with Amel Derragui and Sundae Bean, I signed up and knew that as a result I would start my own business. I just had no idea what that would be… yet!
Amel has continued to be an incredible coach and mentor over the past 4 years, especially over the past 12 months as she has worked closely with me as I got unstuck and moved myself forward again. Amel supported me by asking the tough questions and taught me sales and marketing techniques that have literally turned my business around. I am so grateful for Amel’s support and guidance.
In addition, I have a wonderful accountability partner, Wick Nixon who has been by my side every week since we did a course together in Sept 2020! Wick has been my biggest cheerleader and I have learned so much from her. Each week we chat about what we’re focusing on and share ideas and support each other to make it happen. We even manage to meet up for a walk occasionally too!
Beyond these two amazing ladies, there are so many people who have supported me (I would love to list them all here, but the list would be very long!). What I’ve learned is that the challenge lies in asking for help when you need it. People genuinely care and want to be there for you, you just have to ask for help, for guidance, for them to share their wisdom.
I am so grateful to all the wonderful people in my life and the support each of you give to me, you know who you are!
My third lesson, life was never meant to be simple, it’s a journey… a wild ride.
I did a post recently about comparing the journey of men (simple and linear) versus the journey of women (a squiggly mess!). And frankly, that’s life. It is not meant to be easy or necessarily simple. It is through the ups, the downs and the sideways steps that we learn, that we grow and that we are able to step forward with confidence.
I actually asked Amel recently “what is it that I don’t know, what should I be asking next”. She giggled a little, and shared “good question, but if I told you everything you wouldn’t get to experience the journey”.
And that is so true, I have learned, especially in the past year that I have a path, my own journey that I will take, and no one can show me exactly what it looks like. I have to experience it for myself so I learn, so I can grow, so I can be my best self.
Fourth, women’s issues have evolved, but they haven’t changed.
I was asked the other day, do you work with men? And the simple answer is yes, I do. But I am super passionate about working with women.
As a transition and leadership coach focusing on supporting women, I feel so passionate, so empowered and so focused on achieving better outcomes for women. Because while women’s issues have evolved, they actually haven’t changed.
Women still struggle with self confidence. Women still get busy with life and lose a little of themselves in the process. Women are still less visible in the workplace than men. Women still sit at the table with a mental load that men simply don’t have.
So I want to lift the lid, I want to share my experiences, I want to support and empower women. You can expect to hear more from me on some of these topics over the coming months, simply because I have a few embers burning that I want to explore further.
I have learned, or perhaps more accurately, I have better clarity around women’s issues that they continue although they have evolved somewhat, there is more work to be done. And yes, I do work with men too :-)
Maybe these are simple lessons, maybe they aren’t entirely lessons but appreciation. I know my journey hasn’t been easy, I know I am always learning and growing, and I know there is more for me to do. But 4 years in, I am happy, I am empowered and I am celebrating!
Thank you for being here with me, I am so grateful!
In celebration of what I’ve learned and because my business has turned 4, I want to give you something in return. I am offering 1 free 45 minute coaching session. All you have to do is email me ([email protected]) or DM me on social media @theleaptolead and tell me you want to go in the draw to win a free 45 minute coaching session, and that’s it you’re in the draw!
This session is valued NZ$197 and could be the one thing that helps you start your own journey. Don’t miss out, email or DM me today!
The draw will take place Monday 7th November, 9am NZDT.