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Moving Beyond Work-Life Balance

coaching lead your life positive personal change self improvement take the leap Oct 08, 2024
The Leap To Lead
Moving Beyond Work-Life Balance

How many times have you heard the phrase "work-life balance" and felt a twinge of guilt? 

The truth is, perfect balance is a myth, and it's time we ditch this outdated concept and embrace work-life integration instead.

2024 has been one of the craziest years I’ve known. I shared with a friend last week that I feel like a swan. I'm keeping everything working smoothly but my legs are paddling frantically under the water! Not only showing up for my girls, but starting a part time contract while still running my own business. AND moving house, not once but twice with another move at the end of next month as our renovations complete. 

I’ve come to realise this year that life isn't neatly divided into "work" and "everything else." It's a beautiful, messy tapestry of experiences, responsibilities, and joys. Trying to achieve perfect balance was like trying to separate the threads of that tapestry - impossible and frankly, unnecessary.

Work-life integration is about weaving all aspects of your life together in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to YOU. It's not about perfect equilibrium, but about creating a life that reflects your values and priorities.

One of my clients, Jenny, a busy mum of three running her own business, shared how this shift in mindset changed her life. She used to beat herself up for answering work emails during her kids' soccer practice. Now, she sees it as a way to be present for her children while also keeping her business running smoothly. It's not about balance - it's about making it all work together.

Ready to move beyond the balance myth? Here are three steps to get started:

  1. Identify your non-negotiables: What are the core aspects of your life that you absolutely cannot compromise on? For me, it was family time and personal growth.
  2. Embrace flexibility: Be open to unconventional solutions. Maybe you work best in short bursts throughout the day rather than traditional 9-5. That's okay!
  3. Practice self-compassion: Some days will feel more integrated than others, and that's perfectly normal. Be kind to yourself.

Remember, you're not failing if you're not perfectly balanced. You're human, and that's more than enough.

What's one way you can start integrating your work and life more seamlessly today? Take that first step, don’t wait for things to get easier or quieter… that’s not how life works. Take a step right now and start integrating it for yourself!


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