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My Juggling Act

coaching lead your life positive personal change self improvement take the leap Jul 16, 2024
The Leap To Lead
My Juggling Act

Well, it 's been a whirlwind few months, and I wanted to share a quick update on what's been happening in my world. Life has certainly kept me on my toes!

First off, I'm excited to share that I've started a contract with a book supply company. I'm working 15 hours a week on their People Capability Strategy, which has been both challenging and rewarding. It's fantastic to be part of an organisation that aligns so well with my values and expertise. Also, I’ve really enjoyed connecting with people in real life again, and of course talking about books! 

This is on top of my ‘usual’ business activities and client work. Every client interaction I have I need to pinch myself, I am so fortunate to be working with these amazing women. Supporting them to show up for themselves in life, in work and in business. I feel so blessed to have these opportunities. 

I have also started as a host for the Empower Her Network, I host a monthly networking coffee session for women in business. It has been really lovely meeting people from different backgrounds, hearing different stories and perspectives. If you’re in Auckland and interested in joining our next coffee 9 August, reach out and I’ll send you the details. 

On the home front, we've embarked on an adventure of our own - renovating our house! As anyone who's been through renovations knows, it's no small feat. To add an extra layer of excitement (or chaos, depending on how you look at it), we've had to move out while the work is being done. And just when we thought we were settled the landlord gave us notice, so we're gearing up for another move to a different rental next week. 

Now, I know what you're thinking - "how are you managing all of this without losing your mind?" Well, I'll let you in on a little secret: it's all about mindset.

Despite juggling multiple balls - new work, new clients, home renovations, and two moves - I'm proud to say I haven't dropped any (yet!). The key has been focusing on what I can do rather than getting overwhelmed by everything in front of me. It's a principle I often share with my clients, and it's been put to the test in my own life.

The experience of the past few months has reinforced something I've always believed: our ability to adapt and thrive in the face of change is one of our greatest strengths. It's not about avoiding challenges, but about how we approach them.

So, here's to embracing change, staying focused, and remembering that every challenge is an opportunity for growth. I'm excited to see what the next few months will bring!

How about you? I'd love to hear how you're navigating life's changes. Drop me an email or a DM and let's chat!


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