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The Secret To A Great Transition

expat life expat mums expat parenting expat parenting abroad May 18, 2021

Whether you’re about to move for the first time or moving for the fifth time, there is one secret that can make your transition great.

Today I’m going to let you in on that secret, are you ready?

The secret is support. Getting the right support when you’re moving is a game changer.

No longer do you have to feel overwhelmed or lost about where to start. No longer do you have to struggle to find the focus and energy.

Getting the right support changes how you feel about your transition. It provides you with focus to know exactly what you need to do next.

Getting the right support ensures you settle faster so you can start making the most of the opportunities that living abroad provides.

Because you are focused, tackling the right things at the right time, you are in a better position to support your family. Your family will settle faster because you are in a better space yourself. 

So what is the right support?

The right support comes from someone who has experience in moving and transitioning abroad. Someone who gets what you’re experiencing, who understands the challenges and the opportunities. 

The right support comes from someone who has experience in coaching.

The right support comes from a private community who are there for you when you need them - to answer questions, share the load and laugh with you when it all gets a bit crazy.

The right support is having access to checklists and guides when you need them.

So how do you get the right support?

You join me inside Families Thriving Abroad.

Families Thriving Abroad is a step by step process that will support you and your family to thrive on foreign shores. 

It is an 8 week online program providing you the right support - online lessons, coaching each week, and lifetime access to a private community. Finally you will know exactly what you can do to ensure your family settles quickly and starts making the most of new opportunities without confusion or overwhelm.

My husband and I have spent the past 12 years in Asia and I have been an expat for over 20 years. Both our daughters were born in India, and raising our family in a foreign context has literally transformed my life and theirs.

I’ve experienced first hand what it feels like to move your family and settle them into a new country. Not once, not twice, but every 2 years we have moved! 

If you’re a parent, and you find yourself wanting to provide better support to your family, you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk free plunge to see what you can do differently. And with that plunge experience first hand the richness that living abroad offers you and your family. 

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that these next 8 weeks will be completely and utterly life changing for you and your family.

I look forward to meeting you personally inside Families Thriving Abroad.


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