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Stop the cycle of frustration 

in a few simple steps you can feel like a new person...

feel good at the end of the day, maybe even proud of yourself!

Do you get to the end of the day and feel exhausted, you flop on the couch feeling like you just can’t do anymore, but then it dawns on you… you haven’t really achieved very much today! So where did the day go?

You happily gave up your career for your family because you wanted to be a good mum, to support your kids, and you have been carrying the motherload for years, day in day out doing the errands. Now you’re wondering, does it always have to be this way? Can I get to the end of the day and feel proud of what I’ve done?

You’ve noticed lately that you’re snapping at your kids and partner, the smallest things seem to build up and then you suddenly explode. You know you shouldn’t raise your voice, you know you shouldn’t get sarky, you know you shouldn’t be grumpy… but you just can’t help it!

Yesterday you skipped the exercise, you felt you didn’t have enough time with everything else you needed to get done. But let’s be honest, you did manage to spend at least 20 minutes sitting on the couch scrolling through your phone. You know this is not the way it should be. You know you’d feel better after exercising, but it’s so hard to make it a part of your routine.

Have you noticed that you say “yes” to everything you’re asked to do? Your kids are more than capable of pouring their own drink, they are probably capable of making their own snack too, but you switch into auto mode and do it without thinking. It’s time to start saying “no” to some of those little things. It’s time to stop trying to please everyone, all the time.

Do you sometimes identify something that looks interesting or even exciting, but then find you talk yourself out of taking a step that would get you closer to it? Leaving that thing hanging there, like a lost dream, never to be experienced.

Have you noticed that your indecision, your worry, your overthinking robs you of being present and enjoying life as it is right now? 

 Are you wondering how you let your life get to this point?


Are you wanting to move forward again?

Feeling this way doesn’t have to be permanent.

In fact, you can flip your life by taking a few simple steps. Waiting and hoping this frustration with carrying the motherload will pass will only hurt your confidence and your ability to change it in the long term. 

Think of this as your kick in the butt to take action now! You know you can’t rely on someone else to fix your life. You also know that if you don’t take action, you’ll feel the same a year from now, and the year after that, and so on.

Flip your life and take back control, stop the cycle of frustration and in a few simple steps you can feel like a new person and feel good at the end of the day, maybe even proud of yourself!

In this short, online course

You will find relief knowing you’re not alone, that there are genuine reasons you feel this way, but more importantly you will know how to change it.

Thanks to the simple steps you will take back control of your life. You will establish positive routines, and finish your day feeling good about yourself and what you have done.

Why does it matter? When you are in control you have the ability to:

  • speak to your kids with compassion;
  • support your partner; 
  • say no to what’s not good for you;
  • move beyond bad habits;
  • finally have the time and space that you want and need in your life;
  • finish your day feeling proud of yourself!

3 Outcomes You Can Expect From The Productivity Lab

Whether you’re a stay at home mum looking for more, or a working mum who wants a better balance, you’re in the right place! And I’m going to share exactly how The Productivity Lab will give you the tools, the simple steps, and the support you need to flip your life and take back control! 

By the end of this short online course, you will have:

  • Completed the 3 short lessons that will show you why your feel this way, and outline the steps you need to take fight the exhaustion by flipping your life and taking back control
    • Lesson 1: Understanding the motherload and exhaustion
    • Lesson 2: Rethinking your time & energy
    • Lesson 3: Take back control and become more proactive
  • Worked through the printable worksheets that will see you reflect on where your challenges are in your life, and support yourself to make decisions about how you will change it
  • Feel supported with your questions answered as you work through each lesson
  • Feel empowered with a private one on one 30 minute coaching session to support you to flip your life and take back control

When you enrol in The Productivity Lab, you'll get:

  • 3 online lessons (value NZ$75 each)
  • Printable worksheets (value NZ$50)
  • 30 minute one on one coaching session (value NZ$198)

The total value is NZ$473, but you can invest today for just NZ$197 

Start now to flip your life & take back control for just NZ$197

This is your opportunity to reset your life, an opportunity to pause and take stock of the myths that may be holding you back and what you can do instead. 

You can use this as a way to create positive change in your life, come away with fresh enthusiasm and a sense of control.

You don't have to do it alone though, I am here to support you every step of the way. Ask questions, bounce ideas and let me help you get unstuck! 

Remember we have a private coaching session together as well. This will support you to truly flip your life and take back control! 

Let's do this,

Emily x