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Connecting Virtually

expat life expat mums expat parenting expat parenting abroad Dec 15, 2020

This holiday season is like no other. For many of us, we can’t be with our family and that feels just heartbreaking. But there are ways you can make this holiday season special and connect, even if it can’t be in person. 

Firstly, in this situation, technology is your friend. Make the most of FaceTime, Skype, Zoom whatever your favourite platform is. 

Plan a party. Put up some decorations. Pour a fancy drink. And schedule a time to get on FaceTime for a party. We are doing this with my parents on Saturday. Their gifts for the girls (purchased online and delivered to the door, because the postal system this year is rubbish!) are all wrapped up and under the tree. The girls have made a Christmas playlist for the party, and they have organised a special Christmas dance that they will perform. We will have some treats to share, and gather virtually to celebrate. Try it, it may just create a special memory for everyone involved! >>If you’re not sure where to start, here are some ideas<< 

Family members can read aloud to the kids. This is a super fun way to share stories, and keep the kids occupied for some time too! Ask your parents to share their favourite Christmas story. Or they could make up a story. Or they could literally read a picture book, holding it up to the camera to share the pictures as they go. >>Here is a list of 10 stories, you can read online<<

Sing songs together. Each person gets to choose their favourite Christmas carol or song, and everyone has to sing it together. Well the chorus at least! There are loads of playlists on YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify. But here is one resource that you might enjoy >>Christmas Songs<<

Do some crafts together. You can make it simple or more detailed depending on how old your kids are, but it’s a great way to get together with family on FaceTime and get creative. Think about the Christmas decorations you grew up making, paper chains, angels, snowmen, stars and so on. This could be super fun, especially as things can often get lost in translation… imagine the giggles as the kids get it wrong! >>50 Easy Crafts for Kids<<

Get drawing. You could do a virtual Christmas Pictionary style game where someone starts drawing and everyone has to guess what it is, whoever is the quickest gets to draw next. Your parents could teach the kids to draw Santa, or a tree, or an angel. >>How to draw Santa<< You could play a game where someone only draws half a picture and everyone has to guess what it is. Let the kids make up the game, really let the creativity flow! >>Fun drawing games for kids<< 

Put on a family Christmas Play. Your kids could make up their own story and script. Your parents could help them come up with a story and script. Everyone could have a role to play, or the kids could perform it for your family. There are loads of options. >>If your struggling for ideas, here is a simple one you could follow<<

Choreograph a family Christmas dance. Choose your favourite Christmas song, and let your creativity go! Your kids could prepare a dance to show the family members. The kids could prepare a dance that they teach your parents over FaceTime, and everyone joins in together. Or you could all stream the same dance on YouTube and get into it together. Right now I’m picturing my two rolling on the floor laughing as everyone tries to join in with them! >>Here’s an easy dance you could all do together<<

Do some easy Christmas baking together. Let your parents read the instructions to the kids, or vice versa, and enjoy some yummy treats together as you bake along with each other. >>Easy Christmas baking ideas<< 

No matter how you choose to connect this year, I am sure this is a wonderful opportunity to create special memories for all your family. It might just take a little more planning, but it will be worth it! 

How are you planning on connecting with family this year?


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